Saturday, March 24, 2007

Aliville: Jamaat al-Fuqra in Odum, GA

When the wife and I decided to drive to Washington D.C. last weekend for the Gathering of Eagles, almost immediately the idea of making s small detour on our return trip to Florida came to mind. What could be so important as to get between me and my own bed after a thousand mile drive and a day of counter-protesting in 30 degree temperatures? Aliville. That heretofore mythical Muslims of America compound in northeastern Georgia. I had read blog entries and stories and seen photographs of other MoA encampments (Islamville in Hancock, NY and Madinah Village in Commerce, GA to name but a few), on Gates of Vienna, The Politics of CP, and Doug Hagmann's informative Northeast Intelligence Network website but very little was known about Aliville. So, armed with a camera and a good measure of righteous indignation, I did indeed detour my trip back to the Sunshine State and spent Saturday evening in Hinesville, GA, just a stone's throw from Ft. Stewart - Home of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mech).
At dawn, we hit the continental breakfast at the hotel then hit the road; State Rd. 84 towards Jesup, GA.

GA State Road 84 becomes N. 1st St as you enter Jesup from Hinesville. A right turn on W. Cherry, then a jog right onto 169 North, just as the sun was rising, put us on our way.

Unfortunately, the early hour (especially for a Sunday Morning) prevented me from questioning some of the store owners in Jesup about their reclusive neighbors to the northeast. Perhaps that can be the object of a later trip? 169 North, once you get sufficiently out of Jesup becomes a very rural, isolated 2 lane highway with turnoffs onto dirt roads of compacted red clay. Such was the case as my odometer approached 18 miles out of Jesup. After passing Anne Thompson Rd., I switched on my camera to record my 'drive-by' of Aliville. A few seconds later, I took the two photos (vid-caps actually) below. The first is of the entrance to Aliville (looking east) on Oriole Rd, identifiable by a yellow Dead-End sign. The second is of a white, wooden house on the western edge of the compound as seen from 169. Also below, is a map of 169 North and Oriole Rd.

The drive by video shoot having been accomplished, I made a U-turn on 169 and headed south back past Oriole Rd and eventually to I-95 South. It was at this very moment that I decided that I hadn't driven this far just to shoot a few seconds of a dirt road at 30 MPH, so I put down my video camera, grabbed my digital camera and made a hasty left onto Oriole Rd and the entrance to Aliville before I could talk myself out if it.
The 'road' was made of the aforementioned compacted red clay and covered by thick growths of trees that obscured the sky as I drove the rental car at idle on the public road so as not to arouse anyone's attention. The first thing I saw was innocuous enough; a black rolling trash bin - the kind you roll to the curb for the truck with the mechanized arm to seize. The picture below is of the western-most entrance to Mecca Circle. Yes it does exist. There are even 2 stop signs at the opposite ends of the circle. The road was not flanked by houses or trailers but there were cleared areas that appeared ready to accommodate some. Notice the red guard shack at the right of the photo and a heavy wooden post to the left. No doubt for a future gate.

No 'Muslims of America' signs or one announcing that you have arrived at 'Holy Aliville', just a guardhouse and a road. Below, however, you can catch a teasing glimpse of what I saw when I peered down the eastern entrance to Mecca Circle. There were a few trailers and several houses, some of them under construction, and a number of cars. This picture was taken after I passed the easternmost entrance to the circle, negotiated a hasty U-Turn on a narrow muddy, clay road and stopped long enough to snap a photo of the road sign and part of a rather nice house. I was sure my maneuvers on the dirt road had gotten the attention of some of the inhabitants as I saw some movement at the far end of the circle. Even though I was on a public street with every right in the world to be there, I decided that I had pressed my luck far enough, stopped to get a clear shot of the road sign, then exited Oriole Rd.

As I suggested earlier, perhaps others, especially those who live closer to Odum, GA than I do, can shed further light on this MoA outpost in the shadow of Ft. Stewart and a Nuclear Power Plant? While I would have liked to have taken more pictures, at least the curtains that have hidden Aliville have now been slightly parted. It's up to others to draw them back completely.




Good bit of detective work there. As it's called Mecca Circle and has a gate post ready for a gate, you can bet your bottom dollar they will attempt to make it 'muslim only', just like the real Mecca.

Counter-Jihadist said...

Yeah, 'No Infidels Allowed'.

ttueoop said...

Well, I guess I'll be combing the countryside in our great Pacific Northwest looking for these little burgs too.

I got a kick out of the "Mecca Circle" sign though.

Who knows, maybe when they expand there'll be an "Allah Lane" or something.

Great post.

Counter-Jihadist said...

As did I. Until turning on to Oriole Dr., I had only seen 'Mecca Circle', as a word on a Google Earth map. It was odd enough actually seeing the sign, let alone stopping to snap a photo or two in 'indian territory'.

Good Luck on your search. Jamaat al-Fuqra was active in that area in the late 80s & early 90s before they decided to lay low. It might be a good area to search. Keep checking the websites I mention (and link) in my post (Gates of Vienna and Politics of CP) for information on possible JaF locations. I first heard of Aliville on the latter site.

Anonymous said...

OMG I LIVE IN JESUP, GEORGIA!!! i live right out side of Odum *&* i know where most of thse photes were taken cause i have lived in this town my whole life!!! iv liver here my whole life but i didnt know about this until 2day!!! i CANT believe that there is somethin like that this close 2 my house!!! *&* it is REALY close 2 where some of my family live!!! THANK YOU 4 lookin 4 this imforamtion *&* i will try 2 get somemore info on this subject *&* get back with yall!!

Much Love <3

Anonymous said...

my whole family lives in jesup, i did till the us army moved us once again to texas, but my daughter and only grandchild live there my aunt and uncle,but my daughter has been telling me about this place,i was in shock, and now in light that they have been noticed they have started with the local churches there, due to reporters being in there front door, and somehow even tho i have not seen it, but a group of reporters came from atlanta and they talked to them,and now the threats some churches have gotten, its sad, i say the right people just dont know about them, or may it be they are just sitting and watching and gonna break it up in action,it scares me for my town,its sad to say you have to watch your back in a small close nit surly gonna research more, thank you so much for the all my fellow jesup family our prayers are with you .oh, yeah one pastor is supposed to get on channell 16 a local station and speak on this issue, and yes we all know that will just open alot of mixed feelings, but hey go pastor,,,,,,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is very disturbing i live in jesup and actually seen that place but never really thought any thing about it kinda makes you wander what they have that you cant see

Anonymous said...

These radical Islamic fundamentalist terrorists now have a friend in the White House. Buy ammo while you still can. This is not a conspiratorialist warning... this is fact.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: These sick bastards have only one agenda and that is to eradicate us off the map. Their motto states: "make them (us) think you are their friend and then kill them". Go to Christian Action Network and you will see that there are over 35 of these camps here in the US of A. Do not underestimate or try to negotiate with them. No matter what is said or done they will try to kill you. This is no scare tactic but the truth. To argue with a fool is to become one. The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Anonymous said...

I, as well, live in the "oh so wonderful" town of Jesup GA. I just came across this site in light of the controversy surrounding this MOA group. It is definitely a scary thought to know that this ARMED group is just a few short miles away from our community, as well as, several nuclear sites. Thanks for providing the pictures, and I thought you may like to you may have been smarter and luckier than some who have also taken pictures. A group of fearless teenagers I know went to take a look of the mysterious compound and decided to take a picture in front of this red building (against any better judgment) and were met with gun shots aimed in their direction. So next time any one wants to venture down Mecca Cicle be for warned. (And FYI there are houses there now)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting; I like to know what is going on around me as I too live in Jesup. The thing is, you have your cross hairs on the wrong group. These folks are very visible. I work with one of the fellas that live there, even participated with him once during an interfaith program.

As far as the 'fearless' teens in that last post... I heard about it also. Only I heard that they went there (on private property) in the middle of the night and were raising holy HELL before being told to leave. Based upon what I heard, the part being shot at sounds like a lie. But It would have been the truth if someone did the same thing at my place in the middle of the night. I mean really! The nerve...